Tuesday, November 25, 2008

CU Freebie Frame

Hello everyone!
I made this really simple frame layout for my daughters piano recital. I really liked the way it turned out so.... I thought I would share it with you guys:) CU TOU apply:)
Here is my layout:

You can pick up the frame HERE
If you do snag this could you please leave me a comment and let me know you liked it? Thanks!
Happy Scrapping,

Friday, November 21, 2008


Here is a cute commercial bear i made using a preset shape:) With a little imagination and some filters you can make a really nice bear that will compliment any kit. All CU TOU apply. Elements in preview is courtesy of ( by membership) Outlaw By DesignDOWNLOAD
Happy Scrapping!


Here is a cute little doodle CU freebie I made using a preset shape:) I feel it would make a nice element for any kit and wanted to share it with you.
CU Terms:
Do whatever you want as long as you do not try to sell the original file. Please send people here to download. You can share a link just as quick as a file.
Also it would be nice if you actually left a comment:)DOWNLOAD
Happy Scrapping!
Sweetie Pea

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Country Fried Christmas Freebie

Hello Everyone!
I have a small frame freebie for you. Well the frame is not small, lol. It is a generous 700 by 700 saved as a .png format. It matches my Country Fried Christmas kit ( preview of the kit below). You can pick it up HERE
If you download it please leave a comment. Comments keep me making freebies:)

WOW! Long Time no Posting!

It has been a long time since I posted! But I thought I better get over here and show you my new kits at CILM! Later I will be posting a freebie so you better come back lol! You can find my scraps HERE :)
Happy Scrapping!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Previews of Kits at CILM!

Here are previews of the scrap kits I will have for sale at CILM. These are exclusive kits:)

Monday, June 16, 2008


Hello! Welcome to my blog! My name is Bobbie and most everyone knows me as Bobbie's Baubles. I am a single mom with two girls who are the light of my life. My oldest Dakotah is 10 years old and smart as a whip. She will be in 5th grade next year and is a drama queen in the making. My youngest Alianna is 8 years old. She suffers from a chronic illness that does not have a cure but doesn't let it slow her down, even when she is battling it. She is going to be in third grade next year and is an artist in the making.

Anyone who deals with CILM knows I am the customer support help manager over there It is a job I am honored to have and love! When I was asked to sell my scrap kits at CILM I was floored. I have never thought and still don't think anything I make is good enough to sell, let alone be offered somewhere as fabulous as CILM. Alas, here I am

I love everything PSP. I started out almost two years ago tagging blanks in a little paint program I had on my computer. I had no idea about copyrights then. I didn't catch that train until much later after a horrible situation happened. But I digress:) I ended up taking lessons to learn Paint Shop Pro. When the light bulb went on ( and trust me it took a while) I knew I had found something I would be doing for a long time. Since then I have been blessed to be able to learn every day. My psp friends are some of my best friends. PSP'ers are like a family and one I am glad to be a part of. Whether it is hanging out with my friends on the group, in the forums or making new friends selling my scrap kits at CILM, I always feel blessed to be part of such an elite group.

I hope you will come hang out with me at our group The CILM Oasis. We have challenges, prizes, friends and whole lot of fun. We would love to have you!

Sweetie Pea